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Nel 2014 (con inizio dal 1° agosto 2014) si svolgerà Madagascar 2014, sulla distanza di 250 km in tappa unica, come settima prova del "Roving Race" (che dal 2008 prevede ogni anno una gara "estrema, quanto a distanza in una differente spettacolare location: la prova di "Roving Race" 2013 si svolgerà in Islanda), proposta dall'organizzazione Running The Planet.
C'è tutto il tempo di allenarsi per una straordinaria gara, per la quale le iscrizioni sin da ora sono già aperte (vai alla lista dei partecipanti che alla data attuale vede già 10 iscritti) 

RacingThePlanet’s seventh Roving Race will take place in Madagascar on 31 August 2014. The unique landscape includes lush rain forest, sheer rock cliffs, desert and savanna all surrounded by thousands of kilometers of pristine, turquoise shore line. This coupled with rich flora and fauna, much of which is not found anywhere else on earth, provide an exotic location for the race.


RacingThePlanet was founded by American Mary K Gadams and commenced operations from its base in Hong Kong in February 2002. The first race under its banner was the Gobi March held in September 2003 near Dunhuang, China – and introduced trail running races to China. The next race to be added to the series was the Atacama Crossing in Chile which took place in July 2004 followed by the first Sahara Race in Egypt in September 2005, while The Last Desert in Antarctica was inaugurated in January 2006.

These races combine to create the annual 4 Deserts series, which is now widely recognized as the most prestigious outdoor series in the world.

In February 2008, a fifth event was added to the RacingThePlanet calendar called the "roving race." This race, of similar format, moves to a different location each year, with the first event having been held among the rice terraces of Sapa in northwest Vietnam, the second in 2009 in the Fish River Canyon and Skeleton Coast of Namibia, the third in 2010 in the Outback of Australia, the fourth in 2011 in the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal, and the most recent in 2012 from Wadi Rum to the ancient city of Petra in Jordan. The next "roving race" is scheduled for Iceland in 2013.

The Mission
  • To challenge individuals to go beyond their athletic frontiers through two world class sporting events: the 4 Deserts series and the 'roving' race, while exploring the most remote landscapes and ancient cultures on the planet.
  • To provide the knowledge, innovative products and services to enable all aspiring individuals to succeed in RacingThePlanet events and to inspire them with a life enhancing experience.
  • To document and contribute to improving the lives of ethnic minorities and tribes in the areas we explore, and to encourage and support competitors to raise funds for their charities.
The Charities

RacingThePlanet supports charities and initiatives in the areas where its races are held. To date, RacingThePlanet has raised more than US$500,000 to support Operation Smile missions in Vietnam, Egypt and China. In addition, RacingThePlanet has donated books, computers and sports equipment to local schools in Xinjiang Province, China and Windhoek, Namibia, and money totalling US$45,000 to support earthquake victims in Sichuan, China through its Gobi March event. RacingThePlanet competitors have raised millions of US dollars for hundreds of charities around the world.

The Company

Headquartered in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, RacingThePlanet has a worldwide presence through its 14 representative offices in Brazil, Chile, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, South Africa, Spain and Taiwan.

Aside from the core activity of organizing highly regarded endurance footraces, RacingThePlanet's business units include its online outdoor product store and freeze dried food company.

The company employs 35 full time staff in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, 160 contractors worldwide and over 100 volunteers annually at its events.

The Events

RacingThePlanet is a unique category of rough country footraces that take place over seven days and some 250 kilometers in remote and culturally rich locations around the world.

Competitors must carry all their own equipment and food; they are only provided with water and a place in a tent each day, but are supported by professional medical and operations teams.

RacingThePlanet is international; the events typically involve competitors from over 40 different countries who are able to mingle around the campfires and in their geographically mixed tents.

RacingThePlanet and 4 Deserts entries are capped at between 150 and 200 competitors to ensure that the races retain their unique character, and to minimize the impact of our presence. The locations we visit are remote, pristine and sparsely populated. Solitude is a highly regarded aspect of our events.

Currently the events consist of the 4 Deserts, a series which encompasses the Gobi Desert in China, the Atacama Desert in Chile, the Sahara Desert in Egypt and Antarctica, and a fifth event that roves to a new location each year.

Time Magazine recently ranked the 4 Deserts #2 on its list of the world's top endurance competitions.

For more information about our races please visit our website: www.4deserts.com.

The Store

RacingThePlanet provides the best outdoor equipment, clothing and nutrition through its rapidly growing online store.

The RacingThePlanet and 4 Deserts races provide the ultimate testing ground for endurance racing, outdoor, and rugged technology products.

The expertise and knowledge gathered by RacingThePlanet and our participants enables us to credibly identify the most reliable, useful, innovative and lightweight outdoor products available and ship them worldwide.

With selections made and guidance given by considering activity, terrain and climate, RacingThePlanet's international online store is the top resource for endurance racers and outdoor enthusiasts in the world (products are shipped from warehouses in both Hong Kong and the UK).

To visit our international store click here, and to visit our European store, click here.

The Timeline
  • RacingThePlanet founded in Hong Kong
  • Planning for the 4 Deserts begins
  • Inaugural Gobi March in China
  • National Geographic Television features 60 minute documentary
  • The New York Times features Gobi March
  • Fortune magazine features Gobi March
  • Inaugural Atacama Crossing in Chile
  • BBC features prime-time show on English football player competing in the Atacama Crossing
  • Inaugural Sahara Race in Egypt
  • CNN features Gobi March and Sahara Race
  • NBC Jeep World of Adventure Sports features Gobi March
  • Inaugural The Last Desert in Antarctica
  • All 4 Deserts are held for the first time
  • RacingThePlanet online store is launched in Hong Kong
  • NBC Jeep World of Adventure Sports features the Sahara Race
  • Taiwanese Kevin Lin wins the overall 4 Deserts Championship
  • Harvard Business School case study on RacingThePlanet
  • Italian Francesco Galanzino wins the overall 4 Deserts championship
  • NBC Jeep World of Adventure Sports features The Last Desert
  • RacingThePlanet, an annual roving event is launched. Inaugural location is Vietnam
  • NBC Jeep World of Adventure Sports features RacingThePlanet: Vietnam
  • The Washington Post features the Atacama Crossing
  • The Times of London features Dean Kanarzes
  • CNN.com features the Gobi March
  • Paul Liebenberg of South Africa becomes first in world to complete all 4 Deserts in a calendar year
  • Ultramarathon Man Dean Karnazes competes in the 4 Deserts and wins the overall championship
  • Time Magazine ranks the 4 Deserts #2 on its list of the world's top endurance events
  • New online store is launched with distribution centers in Hong Kong and the UK
  • RacingThePlanet: Namibia is held
  • CNN.com features RacingThePlanet: Namibia
  • RacingThePlanet acquires Expedition Foods, a UK manufacturer of premium freeze dried food used by the world's leading explorers, mountaineers, sailors and endurance athletes
  • RacingThePlanet: Australia is held
  • Time Magazine again names the 4 Deserts series to its list of the world's top ten endurance races, ranking as the top footrace in the world
  • South African Ryan Sandes becomes the first in the world to win all 4 Deserts becoming the 4 Deserts Series champion for 2010
  • RacingThePlanet: Nepal 2011 is held; a record number of applications are received with nearly three applicants for each place. Two-hundred and twenty (220) are selected to participate
  • RacingThePlanet launches its online store in five additional languages: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Italian and French
  • RacingThePlanet, The Outdoor Store, becomes the largest store for outdoor gear and clothing in Asia, and one of the top three largest in Europe
  • RacingThePlanet, The Outdoor Store, doubles its online sales in both Europe and Asia
  • Expedition Foods, a subsidiary of RacingThePlanet (UK) Limited, introduces a regular serving line of its famous freeze dried food appealing to campers, hikers and emergency services around the world
  • RacingThePlanet celebrates 10 years in February 2012
  • RacingThePlanet: Jordan 2012 is held; a record 70 percent of the field has competed in a past RacingThePlanet event. The Roving Race finishes in front of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Petra, Jordan
  • RacingThePlanet stages its 35th event in 2012
  • RacingThePlanet expands its operations in the UK and Hong Kong doubling its warehouse capacity in both locations
  • NHK, Japan’s leading television channel, films a two-part, four hour documentary at the Sahara Race in Egypt. A record 30 media are present at the Sahara Race to film for five separate television programs
  • Expedition Foods, a world leader in freeze dried food, introduces three new recipes expanding its Asian and breakfast dishes



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  • : Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni
  • : Una pagina web per parlare di podismo agonistico - di lunga durata e non - ma anche di pratica dello sport sostenibile e non competitivo
  • Contatti


  • Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni
  • Mi chiamo Maurizio Crispi. Sono un runner con oltre 200 tra maratone e ultra: ancora praticante per leisure, non gareggio più. Da giornalista pubblicista, oltre ad alimentare questa pagina collaboro anche con altre testate non solo sportive.
  • Mi chiamo Maurizio Crispi. Sono un runner con oltre 200 tra maratone e ultra: ancora praticante per leisure, non gareggio più. Da giornalista pubblicista, oltre ad alimentare questa pagina collaboro anche con altre testate non solo sportive.

Etnatrail 2013 - si svolgerà il 4 agosto 2013


Il perchè di questo titolo

DSC04695.jpegPerchè ho dato alla mia pagina questo titolo?

Volevo mettere assieme deio temi diversi eppure affini: prioritariamente le ultramaratone (l'interesse per le quali porta con sè ad un interesse altrettanto grande per imprese di endurance di altro tipo, riguardanti per esempio il nuoto o le camminate prolungate), in secondo luogo le maratone.

Ma poi ho pensato che non si poteva prescindere dal dare altri riferimenti come il podismo su altre distanze, il trail e l'ultratrail, ma anche a tutto ciò che fa da "alone" allo sport agonistico e che lo sostanzia: cioè, ho sentito l'esigenza di dare spazio a tutto ciò che fa parte di un approccio soft alle pratiche sportive di lunga durata, facendoci rientrare anche il camminare lento e la pratica della bici sostenibile. Secondo me, non c'è possibilità di uno sport agonistico che esprima grandi campioni, se non c'è a fare da contorno una pratica delle sue diverse forme diffusa e sostenibile. 

Nei "dintorni" della mia testata c'è dunque un po' di tutto questo: insomma, tutto il resto.


Come nasce questa pagina?

DSC04709.jpeg_R.jpegL'idea motrice di questo nuovo web site è scaturita da una pagina Facebook che ho creato, con titolo simile ("Ultramaratone, maratone e dintorni"), avviata dall'ottobre 2010, con il proposito di dare spazio e visibilità  ad una serie di materiali sul podismo agonistico e non, ma anche su altri sport, che mi pervenivano dalle fonti più disparate e nello stesso tempo per avere un "contenitore" per i numerosi servizi fotografici che mi capitava di realizzare.

La pagina ha avuto un notevole successo, essendo di accesso libero per tutti: dalla data di creazione ad oggi, sono stati più di 64.000 i contatti e le visite.

L'unico limite di quella pagina era nel fatto che i suoi contenuti non vengono indicizzati su Google e in altri motori di ricerca e che, di conseguenza, non risultava agevole la ricerca degli articoli sinora pubblicati (circa 340 alla data - metà aprile 2011 circa - in cui ho dato vita a Ultrasport Maratone e dintorni).

Ho tuttavia lasciato attiva la pagina FB come contenitore dei link degli articoli pubblicati su questa pagina web e come luogo in cui continuerò ad aprire le gallerie fotografiche relative agli eventi sportivi - non solo podistici - che mi trovo a seguire.

L'idea, in ogni caso, è quella di dare massimo spazio e visibilità non solo ad eventi di sport agonistico ma anche a quelli di sport "sostenibile" e non competitivo...

Il mio curriculum: sport e non solo


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Statistiche generali del magazine dalla sua creazione, aggiornate al 14.04.2014

Data di creazione 12/04/2011
Pagine viste : 607 982 (totale)
Visitatori unici 380 449
Giornata record 14/04/2014 (3 098 Pagine viste)
Mese record 09/2011 (32 745 Pagine viste)
Precedente giornata record 22/04/2012 con 2847 pagine viste
Record visitatori unici in un giorno 14/04/2014 (2695 vis. unici)
Iscritti alla Newsletter 148
Articoli pubblicati 4259


I collaboratori

Lara arrivo pisa marathon 2012  arrivo attilio siracusa 2012
            Lara La Pera    Attilio Licciardi
 Elena Cifali all'arrivo della Maratona di Ragusa 2013  Eleonora Suizzo alla Supermaratona dell'Etna 2013 (Foto di Maurizio Crispi)
            Elena Cifali   Eleonora Suizzo

