Il 27° Campionato del Mondo 100 km 2013 in calendario per il 12 ottobre 2013 a Jeju Island (Korea) è stato cancellato dal Comitato organizzatore a causa di imprevisti problemi e del ritiro delle sponsorizzazione su cui il LOC contava per dare vita all'importante manifestazione.
Per contro, la IAU sta cercando di trovare una nuova location per l'appuntamento mondiale del 2013 in analogo periodo e sembra che le cose stiano andando in porto nel modo sperato. Notizie precise sulla location e sulla data di svolgimento esatta del Campionato del Mondo 100 km 2013 verranno rese note già nel corso della prossima settimana.
Intanto, tuttavia , la IAU rende nota la location del Campionato del Mondo 100 km 2014 (28^ edizione) che si svolgerà a Daugavpils in Lettonia (Latvia), nel settembre 2014 (ancora non si conosce la data esatta).
Ecco di seguito le due notizie comparse sul sito web della IAU.
(notizia del 01.01.2013)
Cancellation of the 27th 100km IAU World Championships in Jeju Island, South Korea
It is with deepest regrets we announce that the 27th 100km IAU World Championships has been cancelled in Jeju Island, South Korea. The event originally planned for the weekend of Oct 12th has been cancelled by the Local Organizing Committee. Due to unforseen financial problems and withdrawl of sponsorships, the race has been cancelled by the LOC, and the IAU have been informed. The IAU understands and recognizes that the 100km world championships is an integral event in the IAU calendar. Furthermore, member federations have organized their racing calendars to suit the earlier announced date of these championships. We are working hard to secure another 100km world championships location for the month of october to replace the event in Jeju Island. If you know of any interested bids, please do not hesitate to let us know. In the meantime we apologize for the cancellation of this event. But please also be assured that we will continue to look for an alternate site and announce as soon as we have secured one on this site. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Nadeem Khan
Director of Communications IAU
(notizia del 22.01.2013)
100km World and European Championships 2014
It is with great pleasure we announce that Daugavpils, Latvia has secured the bid for the 100km World and European Championships 2014. Currently we are looking at the championships in Sept 2014. More information on this event will be available as we get closer to the event. But at this time we wanted to updated you on this allocation and also congratulate the LOC in Daugavpils for the allocation of the championships.
Nadeem Khan
Director of Communications IAU